Post-COVID, there’s been a huge trend of patients discussing mild to moderate anxiety symptoms in their overall health review. I don’t need to dive into the why here, but the reality is that anxiety is impacting people’s everyday lives more and more.

It’s so incredibly important not to run away from it. As it is said:

“What we resist, persist.”

This concern, when brought up with a family doctor often results in prescription antidepressant or acute anxiolytic medications but I do question with the mild to moderate forms that we are seeing more of now a days, is this really the best option?

As a long establish naturopath, I’ve witnessed how life and physiological stress, hormonal changes with perimenopause and menopause, or just life changes in general are a trigger of anxiety. The benefit of simple lifestyle changes such as diet, exercise and lifestyle modifications having a tremendous stabilizing effect on mild to moderate anxiety. The reality is that maintaining those habits can sometimes be tough for busy professionals or parents. We need to tap into more coping strategies like counselling, herbs, vitamins and restorative practices to feel calmer and more empowered in the face of anxiety.

Stress and anxiety seem to go hand in hand as we dial more into how to help patients cope. Unraveling what stress means on a physiological level can also be a huge factor. Physiological stressors such as nutrient deficiencies, over work or overexercise are often overlooked when it comes to stress and anxiety.  Hormone changes play a huge role in scaling up volatility, sleep change, lower energy and a general sensation of life kicking you in the ass and you’re not sure quite why. Even simple life change such as loss, change in job, home life change, excessive work or pressure, major dietary change or general worry can serve as triggers for anxiety.

Finding balance is key

Each of the therapists of our team have a different skills to draw from in their approach to supporting you through anxiety. Here are a few things to consider:

Naturopathic Care

Source the root of anxiety and eliminate obstacles to cure such as nutrient modifications, lifestyle interventions, evaluate hormonal and stress impact on the body. The overall goal is to restore balance by evaluating the whole body and implement realistic sustainable solutions.


Counseling is all about providing you with a safe place to explore your feelings, to let go of that which no longer serves you and empower you with coping mechanism. This can move you to a place of seeing things differently, let go of the load you are carrying and pivot to functioning from a place of strength.


Physiological balance and balancing energy flow within the body can also be of benefit in your anxiety coping tool kit. This can also provide insight into how your body is holding onto stress and where your anxiety may be rooted.


Most people find stress relief in this form of therapy. Taking time for you and having a therapist work on your in a restorative manner is very valuable in your management tool kit for stress and anxiety.

In developing your personal approach to management, you need to be in inquiry about what your body truly needs. A perimenopausal woman may want to start with naturopathic care and counselling while a young professional may consider regular massage and osteopathy to balance their body. You need to create your own approach and we are just here to help and educate you about how to empower yourself.